Pregnancy difficulties: Why can't I get pregnant?
Updated: Oct 27, 2023
Difficulty getting pregnant doesn't always mean that one person in the couple is infertile.
The first action, which is much easier said than done, is to ejaculate. Sometimes the desire to have a child is so strong that it leads to a blockage. The pregnancy miracle review from Lisa Olson will teach you everything about fertility.
Some women wonder how they can get pregnant. Sometimes you have to take all the risks to have a baby.
Fertilization can only take place during ovulation, which theoretically takes place 14 days after the start of menstruation. In reality, depending on the length of the cycle, the fertile period is 14 days before the start of the next period, or 21 days after the start of the period in a 35-day cycle.
The best time to get pregnant is 2 to 3 days before and the day after ovulation.
As desirable as Pregnancy Miracle Lisa Olson is, it is not necessary to start it as soon as the couple decides. Months can go by without a woman getting pregnant. It can take a long time to conceive a baby, but it can also require medical assistance. These reproductive problems are more common than you might think. Here are some tips to improve your chances or increase your chances of getting pregnant for both partners.
There are several techniques to know when you are ovulating:
Create a body temperature chart by taking your temperature each morning before you get up.
After ovulation, your body temperature rises a few tenths of a degree.
If your cycles are regular, this is a good indication.
If they are irregular, this is a good indication that ovulation has taken place.
Buy an ovulation test that can tell you 24 to 48 hours in advance when ovulation will occur.
Sometimes you may notice that ovulation occurs at a certain time. From cycle to cycle and from woman to woman, the laws of nature vary considerably. Therefore, the best calculation is regular cuddling! To be ready for the baby, don't wait, but replenish your folate and iron stores.
When should I go to the doctor for infertility?
If you are under 35 and have been trying to have a baby for 10 to 12 months, it is advisable to see a doctor.
If you are over 35, you should see a doctor after 6 to 8 months maximum, as the success rate of assisted reproduction (ART) decreases somewhat with the age of the woman.
If you suffer from obesity, irregular cycles or any other gynecological problem, do not wait, but talk to your doctor or gynecologist.
During the first infertility consultation, the doctor will perform fertility tests on both members of the couple in order to determine where the problem comes from.
In the USA, 2.7% of births* are carried out by artificial insemination and assisted reproduction methods.
Once the causes of infertility have been identified, the use of a medically assisted reproduction method can be considered. The two main methods are:
Artificial insemination, which involves inserting sperm into the woman's reproductive system to facilitate fertilization. It is performed using the husband's sperm or a donor (in case of male infertility).
IVF, which consists of fertilizing an egg and a sperm in an in vitro laboratory before transferring the resulting embryos into the woman's uterus.
Success rates are encouraging, but these treatments are physically and psychologically stressful. It is a real challenge for couples to overcome as a couple.
Why can't I get pregnant?
This is the question that many women around the world ask themselves. Despite the obvious desire to become a mother, stop the pill and adopt an impeccable lifestyle, there is no sign of pregnancy. Giving birth is not as simple as we imagine. The project can take time and may even require the use of medically assisted reproduction.
Why do some women find it difficult to get pregnant?
When should a doctor be consulted?
What can we expect from assisted reproduction treatment?
Let's take stock of the causes of infertility and the means to realize, despite the obstacles, one's dream of carrying life.
Why don't I get pregnant?
Early menopause, tubal ligation, consequences of cancer treatment: various dysfunctions can alter women's fertility. Starting with endometriosis, which affects many of the patients who consult our assisted reproduction specialists. Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) can also alter the growth of ovarian follicles and disrupt egg production. Stress, excessive secretion of prolactin, significant weight loss or, on the contrary, significant weight gain can induce anovulation (absence of ovulation). Finally, it is important to keep in mind that 20% of cases remain unexplained.
I am not getting pregnant: what is the problem?
Before making a diagnosis and proposing personalized treatment, specialists must find the cause of your difficulty in getting pregnant. If infertility is suspected, it remains to be determined which member of the couple is the problem in terms of procreation. Infertility, which refers to the inability of a patient or couple to conceive naturally after one year of regular sexual intercourse, can affect both women and men, or even both future parents simultaneously. Check this vitiligo miracle review for more awesome content.
I want to get pregnant: should I have a fertility test?
In order to diagnose infertility, it is essential that both spouses undergo several physical examinations. On the patient's side, basic tests include a hormone study. Additional examinations may be undertaken, depending on the situation. On the patient's side, a spermogram is required to evaluate the quality of the sperm. At this stage, the purpose of the analysis is to count the number of sperm cells and observe their activity and shape. Fertility is considered satisfactory if there are 39 million sperm in the ejaculate, of which 32% are moving and at least 4% are in normal shape.
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